Hello everyone, current users and new guests!

This period in time marks a brand new start for Cloth Weaver. Cloth Weaver is now owned and operated by Xanderak, LLC.
Our website www.ClothWeaver.com is live and operational.  We now have a central area where users can get updates, support and contribute to the growing community.

Cloth Weaver v4.0 is now out and contains massive updates.

  • The Mini-Market: A side panel where users can browse for other user created content and sell their own creations
  • Updated UI: A more organized and easy to follow interface. Now contains groupings for different panels. Less scrolling.
  • Backup/Restore: Store and delete multiple backups
  • Materials: Grunge slider (adds variance and character)
  • Patterns: Leaf and stripes pattern
  • Templates: Collar shirt

Best regards,

Alexander Kane
Managing Member of Xanderak, LLC

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