
  • Foam Color: adjust base color of foam
  • Foam Transparency: Higher = more transparency
  • Bubble Glossy Color: Change the glossy color of bubbles
  • Bubble Strength: Higher = Deeper/more visible bubbles
  • UV mapping required (a basic map should work. I know we all hate UV mapping)

Tips for foam mesh object:

  • Increase subdivisions and add a displacement modifier with a cloud texture
  • Material works best with HDRI Lighting
  • Add seams to section off areas for better UV mapping. Texture may appear stretched if polygons are somewhat not evenly distributed
  • Requires Blender 2.7x or higher and must be used in cycles engine


  • In your scene file, go to file, append
  • Browse to the FoamShader-V5.blend -> material -> FoamShaderV5 (press enter)
  • The shader is now in your scene and ready to be applied!
  • UV map your mesh object and be sure to add seams. Simply scale the UV up or down to increase/decrease bubble size in viewport.
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